A Successful Day in Luang Prabang


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2012
Suzuki Vstrom DL650K6, K7 and K9ABS
Because I was so knackered from the ride yesterday, I had crashed early, subsequently I was up early this morning chasing a Geocache called Luang Prabang's hole in the wall As this one may be in view of muggles, I wanted to get there early and after zipping down to the corner where it is supposed to be, and nonchalantly taking photos, I realised I could not find it, that was a bit of a bummer, so after about 10 minutes, I gave up, a bad start to the day, although I liked the look of the bridge across the river down there :)


Oh well, I would go and have some brekky and maybe read some of the logs of previous visitors on the net. While doing that down by the river I read that the cache may have been washed out of the hole so this person had placed it in a slightly different spot, near to the GZ(ground zero) but in a more reliable spot, I would check that out again later :)


After that I decided to go and find another place to stay and found a spot just around the corner in the next street called Hoxieng Guest House 1 [ N19.88942 E102.13206 ] This one was clean and comfortable, I had a double and a single bed, WiFi, TV, aircon the lot, I even had a balcony, that's it just above the wall sign :)


Next job on the cards was some shopping. My electric shaver was blunt and there is no way I could get a new et of shaving heads for this model here and they want about $60 back home. So, I decided to go to the Chinese Markets and see what I could find. There are two of them in this town and at the first one the most important item I needed was purchased at the first place I stopped. I needed a screen protector for the GPS and they happened to have iPhones at this stall and the nice lady cut one to fit and fitted it for me, cost $4 :)


I walked around this section but could not find any decent shavers so I tootled off to the large market near the airport. Here I got the surprise of my life, well a shock really. Now, I had been told about the bike needing to be locked up, they had a chain and padlock under the seat and they said also use the steering lock, but I never used it. I figured, they could pick the damn thing up and walk away with it because they are so light. Well bugger me dead, I only went 20m and when I turned around it was gone!!!!!!! But, I had only just taken this photo and then walked down the lane in front of me, I was only gone 2 minutes!!


I was running around like a chook with its head cut off asking where's me frikkin bike???? It turns out it had been moved by the parking people under a shelter and it was not allowed to be parked where I left it, well, what about the other bikes parked where I was eh, no answer to that, I am a Falang!!


Now that the bike was sorted, I calmed down and went searching for a shaver and I did find one, a cheap $10 foil type one, but it worked which is more than I can say for the expensive other one. I also tried to buy a gas soldering iron, portable, but the language barrier defeated me, even when I got talking to the TV tech.


After that it was nearly lunch time, so as I was dropping my gear back at the guest house, who should rock up behind me but Chris, he had arrived last night as well and was staying in a cheaper location. We had some lunch, I chose Lasagne which was great before parting ways again.


After lunch it was time to go see the bears out at the waterfall place I had been to yesterday. It is a refuge that looks after bears found during smuggling crimes and they all looked pretty healthy to me :) But first the KONG, this is the magic word I need to mention to the helpers at the donation desk and yes it worked, she took me to a special place where I got to sign the log book and tick another Geocache off the list, and my first in Laos :)


Then it was time for the bears, I had missed feeding time, but they were still quite active, although very slow.


The use of an SLR camera would have been nice as they were just a bit far away for my digital small camera. Still, they were fun to watch, especially the two having a wrestle, but they were too far away for a decent shot. I headed back on my trusty steed and went straight to the hole in the wall cache and spotted the new location right away, an easy find after all!


Seeing as it was now about 4.30 I decided an early beer was called for, so I headed back down to the river area, about 50m away, selected a different restaurant and waited for sunset while relaxing.


While there I met up with a chap from Oz, he is actually Sri Lankan, but had a brill Ozzie accent, straight from the bush where he must have been working with the indigenous population, he was a great chap and was helping some of the locals here with their English.


So I had a few more beers and once again got behind in the blog ;) Tomorrow I decided I would head down to a place called Phonsavan, where there are many sights to see, but before that, there was a new Geocache that was near here that had not been found, a First To Find or FTF in Laos would be excellent :)

Soakdee from Luang Prabang

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