Free Veloil chain lube in Central region


Apr 29, 2011
T. Khok Chang, A. Doembang Nangbuat, Suphanburi
Guzzi V85TT, Keeway TXM 200
I've been trying to buy any kind of chain lube around here in vain so far (Doembang Nangbuat, N of Suphanburi). So I found Veloil's phone number and got my wife to ring them up. Result: met their travelling sales rep at a temple not too far away and he insisted on giving us a whole carton of it for free, plus two T shirts. He was impressed when she told him we had been looking high and low for it and only found it in Hat Yai.

Since nobody around here lubes their chains one can will do us for years. So, any travelling biker passing through before 2nd August can have one can for free. There are 7 left. Just drop me an email.

What are you doing around that area Peter? I stayed there myself back in the late 90s at a friends house
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