N4TI*N ADVLux Tour 2012


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2011
GSA, NC700D, KLX450R
N4TI*N ADVLux Tour 2012 - As it Unfolds.


The Ride Logo. Red because its a common color on all the flags of the 4 nations we will be passing through. Yellow because that color is on the Malaysian flag. Star substitutes "O" to denote commonality of the American ( Bruce Conrad & Wife ), Chilean ( Cristian RTW ) and Malaysian Flags with stars in 'em.

A Total of 33 days broken into Three Segments where we will fly back to KL after every 12 day ride. We return after every eleven days to continue. Its the only way to tick our ADVlite boxes.

This thread is for simple miscellaneous updates done in no particular order.
You have organized the trip better then any other i've seen Nick, a tip of the hat to you for making it fun and hassle free for everyone.
You have organized the trip better then any other i've seen Nick, a tip of the hat to you for making it fun and hassle free for everyone.

Phil, You may or may not realise it but Rider's Corner & Rideasia.net played a big role in the planning of this ride. The participants of this ride are very well travelled and they all thought the world of the reception we recieved from Rider's Corner, your staff and of course, HUBB, Jim and that awesome mechanic that will be giving the GSAs a once over.

It was a long ride, starting at 0700 from Pai, then up Doi Inthinon using the Samoeng route reaching Chiangmai at 5pm. But They all agreed that Rider's Corner will be the first place they wanna go before getting you to lead us to our very interestingly named PornPing Hotel, where we stayed for two nights.

Rider's Corner

Great halal food


Our two Chrome Domes, Mel, CEO of a Swiss Multinational, and Eddie, owner of a Chain of Balinese Theme Restaurants, both happy with the food.

Our American Couple, Bruce and Margaret Conrad flew in just 3 days before the ride from Torrance, California. At 69, Bruce rode the Baja Races 17 times already, and he just finished the Baja two weeks ago. Margaret, a mild mannered grandmother frequently follows Bruce overlanding. Alex ( who gave you his book he wrote about his ride Ushiaia - Prudhoe Bay ) met Bruce somewhere in Venezuela. Alex was with Nick Sanders ( RTW speed record on an R1 ) overlanding when he rode past Bruce and Steve ( retired LAPD Officer ) peeing against a wall which led them to be riding buddies until they crossed Mexico.
When Alex found out I'm organising this trip, he told Bruce and everything following that was a flurry of activities. In short, in the three weeks Bruce decided to join in, he did Baja, flew to Malaysia, met strangers, rode with them, and eventually found themselves at Rider's Corner having a BBQ with even more new friends.

Nothing would have happened if not for the sum of little things that came together, your effort included.

So There..........

Will follow up with a proper story.
See you & your group again in a few days Nick, unloading 20 BMW 1200 gs's from a car transporter at RC is going to be interesting.
You have organized the trip better then any other i've seen Nick, a tip of the hat to you for making it fun and hassle free for everyone.

And of course, I could not have done this without Mel, who did excellent support and coordination work as well as following up tying all the lose ends.

Here's Mel, in his best "Gandhi Meditation Mode" - On the train from Hatyai - Ban Pong.

Saturday, 8dec, two GSAs and one KTM ADV left KL to start their journey into Thailand, and will be at Rider's Corner by the 13th evening before checking into Pornping Hotel. Their wives will be flying in at noon from KL. They will be at the Rider's Corner N4TION Dinner on the 14th. On the 15th we leave together for Segment 2.

Goh on a GSA, Daniel on a KTM ADV.
This morning ( Sunday 9dec ) Mujib Aziz left KL for Chumphon, a 1,000km solo ride. He plans another stop probably at Suphan Buri then will amble his way to Rider's Corner to be there by the 13th. He will stay at Pornping Hotel, join the dinner on the 14th and depart on the 15th for N4TION Segment 2.


Come dawn tomorrow, 10dec, Ariff will leave KL on his Triumph Tiger and will head for Rider's Corner to join the N4TION Segment 2.
He plans to stay at Rider's Corner.

We returned to Chiangmai 13dec. 10 bikes were loaded onto one lorryfrom Hatyai, and the riders flew in arriving in the evening of the 13th.
A few more who rode all the way up will be arriving 14dec. After a big party at Phil's Rider's Corner, we were ready for Segment 2.

15dec, 1st day Segment 2 - Rider's Corner before departure.


We rode to Doi Angkhang, using R1175, the road less travelled. Marvelous road.


Doi Tung


We visited by the Military Lookout point.

The Obligatory Mae Sai visit

Golden Triangle


From Chiang Khong we tried to look for a short cut to R1155.

Phu Chi Fa


More soon.
Segment 3 still going strong, currently in Vang Vieng, headed to Phonsavan today. One of the 1200 gs Adventures has had some rear brake issues in the last couple of days, Don suggested getting the bike down to Vientiane and the rear brake pad shoe could be re-packed in a couple of hours. Apparently it's more serious and the rear brake rotor is now warped, so they are going to use a replacement bike.

The R1148 offered great views


We stayed at this Hotel in Nan. The plan was to enter Laos the next day.

We got to the border at Huay Kon by 10am and it became clear that we won't be able to go in as the Lao Officials there are not even interested in looking at our documents. A group of 6 Thais on 5 bikes were also rejected. We later found out that even lone bikers were not allowed in at this border.

Dejected faces


We eventually headed for Pua to replan our strategies.


After Pua we rode to Phitsanulok and stayed for the night. I managed to contact the Malaysian Ambassador and furnished all our documents to him the next morning. As he did not call back in time, we left Phitsanulok and headed for Loei where we spent another night. On the way to Loei, i recieved a call from the Ambassador and he says all system is more or less go and he promised me he will wait for the group at the border.

To Loei

With great hope we left Loei for a short 220km ride to Nong Khai.



At the Thai Immigration we were advised that Laos will reject our entry so they were reluctant to let us proceed knowing we will be returning back into Thailand. i told them the Malaysian Ambassador will be waiting for us at the Lao side. After some discussion amongst themselves, they cleared all our paperwork, and as we left the Thai side, the Ambassador greeted us and led us all into Laos.



After a courtesy visit to the Embassy we rode on to Vang Vieng.

Night ride on Highway 13 to Vang Vieng was surreal although with 17 bikes in the group it was fairly hairy. Plenty of roads were under repair and the occasional Truck traffic that we encountered was fearsome. But we all made it in one piece, covering the 150km in complete darkness in 3 hours.

The next morning, 21st december, we were greeted by the amazing sight of the karst of Vang Vieng from our hotel balcony.

More to come.
We had two nights to chill out at Vang Vieng so some decided to do ballooning

The next day (23rd) we rode back to Vientiane and for many of us, their Adventure ends on this day as they will start their 2,200km return leg to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia as they exit Vientiane. Six bikes will be left to be parked in Vientiane for two weeks afterwhich we will return to complete our 3rd Segment of this wonderful ride.

This group will ride from Vang Vieng to Korat, then Hua Hin, Chumphon and Penang.



That night at Vientiane we had a big dinner as another part of our group ( 5 bikes ) will leave Vientiane on the 24th for their journey home as well.

The next day, ( 24th ) we waved goodbye to the other returning group.

We secured our bikes at the Hotel parking

It was a short ride to the Vientiane airport, and we found His Excellency the Ambassador awaiting to send us off.

Within 2 1/2 hours we found ourselves in Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Segment 2 now ends for us.

More to follow.
A fantastic Ambassador you have there in Vientiane - taking care of your group, personally being at the border to make sure you get in and seeing you off at the airport. Looking forward to the trip report of the 3rd leg of your trip.
I don't think many people could have pulled off that "border-crossing-save" that you did, great for the group. Really enjoying this Nik that new Sony camera is great, i want my lumix to break so i can order one.
LR, His Excellency the Malaysian Ambassador is an amazing man, nothing problem is too small for him. He also has a fantastic team behind him.
And Phil, push became shove, so i had to pull out all the stops.
But admittedly, after the Ambassador stepped in, everything was smooth. It also helped that the Riders are all a patient lot, and is very supportive throughout.

Segment 2 Video.
N4TIONSegment2pt1Divx720 - YouTube
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