China Maps


Senior member
Jan 11, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2007 KTM 990 Adventure Suzuki DRZ 400
Mainland China, using Garmin Zumo 220 (AUS / NZ Basemap) with Garmin Maps City Navigator® China NT (micro cards) and so far works great for me.
Got a few interessting tracks for the Greater Beijing (Northern China) region if anyone is interest but do to size only by email after a PM.
Bumping the thread a bit. Gizi maps is actually Hungarian: List of Maps - GiziMap

The set Gizi regional geographical maps of China (which I ordered from Stanfords) is China South (1), China Central (2), China Northeast (3), China Northwest (4) and Tibet.

I also have the road map of Tibet but it's not necessary to have both, if someone is interested in it let me know.

I paid Stanfords GBP 9,50 for each map and postage was GBP 8,85, nice company to do business with!
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