A few more for any homesick Aussies. These were mostly taken on my back verandah. I'd throw a bit of seed out, or give an apple to the lorikeets.
Australia might be the only place Galahs are native to... but we see a few galahs up in the north of Thailand
and as me old mate Austen Tayshus would say, there's a few who've seen a cock or two
That's a nesting season shot. Been in the nesting hollow
A young Crimson Rosella
and a mature one
The Scrub Turkey is making a comeback, after nearly getting wiped out during the Great Depression
My hand raised Laurie - second from right, with his wild missus - left, and one of the broods they raised, both in the nest box and in tree hollows around the yard
and on a less happy note... a dead Powerful Owl. Found it under the powerlines out front. I had a business meeting that day in the city with some banker.... who never knew that while we sat in his office, I had a dead owl in a plastic bag in my briefcase. Took the owl to the Australian Museum after the meeting.
Happier one, but shitty photo. Only time I've been able to positively identify Glossy Black Cockatoos. I was on my boat when they did a fly past
The local Eastern Rosellas around my place were very stand-offish. They never came in for a feed. Back lane grass only
We had a pet Tawny Frogmouth when I was a kid. Dad found one unable to fly, on the ground... and the nest was 70' up... so he brought it home so the foxes / cats didn't get it.
Almost certain that this is that one's nest
One more of Laurie.