N.O.B. ride Friday 29th June, 2012


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2011
19 ktm 300tpi 6 days / 15 Yamaha YZ250F / 08 Husky 450SMR / 13 ER6N / 13 KTM 300XCW(sold)
Anyone up for a NOB ride this coming Friday?
I can't conform right now, but most definitely interested for sure, will confirm soon
where do you ride and meet up ? I would like to tag along on my trials just have to take a back pack full of juice as I only have a 3l tank .
What about the "ultimate extreme enduro loop"? The loop we've done with Jamie and Luke, well suited for a trials bike.
Though I have no idea about the condition of the trails... might be too much during rain season. Starts with hell's gate, last man and another nasty single track in the morning, then turtle trail and leech trail in the afternoon.

If not I'm open to any suggestions...


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Hmmm... If anyone else is up for an 'ultimately slightly less than extreme (in fact, a bit timid) enduro loop' - without going through lots of places that have daunting names like 'hells gate', 'last-man-standing, 'nasty', etc. associated with them, I might be up for it. :RE
I am back in town and itching to get out and dirty..

But I have new rings and internals in the YZ and have to go easy on it for a few hours.. A trials run up LMS doesnt sound like a good gentle running it in day.

Mixing trials and motorcross bikes in one group sounds like hard to find harmony.
LivinLOS said:
I am back in town and itching to get out and dirty..

But I have new rings and internals in the YZ and have to go easy on it for a few hours.. A trials run up LMS doesnt sound like a good gentle running it in day.

Mixing trials and motorcross bikes in one group sounds like hard to find harmony.

It's an MX bike dude, 3 blips and it's run in!
crs said:
Hmmm... If anyone else is up for an 'ultimately slightly less than extreme (in fact, a bit timid) enduro loop' - without going through lots of places that have daunting names like 'hells gate', 'last-man-standing, 'nasty', etc. associated with them, I might be up for it. :RE

I might too
alexuk said:
crs said:
Hmmm... If anyone else is up for an 'ultimately slightly less than extreme (in fact, a bit timid) enduro loop' - without going through lots of places that have daunting names like 'hells gate', 'last-man-standing, 'nasty', etc. associated with them, I might be up for it. :RE

I might too

Anyone has a suggestion for a more "rainy season" ride then? Alex, what about one of the trails in the Ob Kan/Doi intanon area, you've been riding there a lot lately, any good trails?
LUFC said:
LivinLOS said:
I am back in town and itching to get out and dirty..

But I have new rings and internals in the YZ and have to go easy on it for a few hours.. A trials run up LMS doesnt sound like a good gentle running it in day.

Mixing trials and motorcross bikes in one group sounds like hard to find harmony.

It's an MX bike dude, 3 blips and it's run in!

Well I wasnt thinking it was going to get 500kms :D !! But thought a gentle first day makes sense ?? 4 or 5 hours of 50 - 70%.. Also dont want to be deep in a trail and discover a teething issue and or cook it first outing.

Itching for a ride tho so almost certainly in... Just after a little less of a trials course / hill climb.

But hey, I am just one, if the group wants to go trials and hill climb.. It goes trials and hill climb. I can always do a Suthep run solo.. Dont mind being a tribe of one ;)
double post..
I won't be able to make this Friday, looks like there's a few around that aren't injured, so that's good. Max - if there's been any rain, that route could be a problem.

Yep, not wanting to put the stoppers on things for those keen for the extreme - just saying if there's others out for something a little less hardcore, that suits me. Would like to have a go at that full-on stuff sooner or later - just feeling a bit cautious with a recovering arm and an untested bike. Would like to improve to that standard though...
I will go riding tomorrow with George for the last time, can't skip this, so sorry no NOB for me this week, I will try next week....anyway have fun guys, can't wait to see the report and videos. Cheers Rudi
Here is a very flowing trail, nothing tricky. Only technical bit is the turtle trail, but it's just a few hundreds of meters.

What about meeting Friday at the 700 years stadium 9:30am?

From there we'll see if we can get into the moo baan to the huay tung tao trail, last time I went they had a barrier (but it was still new and wrapped up in plastic).Otherwise we'll ride to huay tung tao on the road.


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hey max, does that go up to footprint of the buddha?
I'll be there friday, but maybe I can pick up my yam in mae rim and join you there?
Wouldnt want to miss the way to mae rim tho...
alexuk said:
hey max, does that go up to footprint of the buddha?
I'll be there friday, but maybe I can pick up my yam in mae rim and join you there?
Wouldnt want to miss the way to mae rim tho...

The idea is to get around buddha footprint, not all the way on top. The route picture is an approximation.

Come at 9:30 at 700yrs will be easier as we don't go into Mae Rim (we'll turn in Mae Nai). You're welcome to bring the yzf, shouldn't be a problem as it's mostly flowing trails.
LivinLOS said:
Well I wasnt thinking it was going to get 500kms :D !! But thought a gentle first day makes sense ?? 4 or 5 hours of 50 - 70%.. Also dont want to be deep in a trail and discover a teething issue and or cook it first outing.

I` suggest not to hold it on full throttle/revs for long periods of time in the first 20 mins,which i don`t think you`d be able to do on the trails suggested anyway.

Just ride it like you normally would and it`ll be fine.

As LUFC mentioned they run in very quickly.
Loop said:
Just ride it like you normally would and it`ll be fine.

Did he just call me slow ??

He did didnt he.. :LOL :LOL
MastaMax said:
Here is a very flowing trail, nothing tricky. Only technical bit is the turtle trail, but it's just a few hundreds of meters.

What about meeting Friday at the 700 years stadium 9:30am?

From there we'll see if we can get into the moo baan to the huay tung tao trail, last time I went they had a barrier (but it was still new and wrapped up in plastic).Otherwise we'll ride to huay tung tao on the road.

this trail looks like it finishes close to where i live so it will be a bit awkward for me because I will have to go to the 700 stadium in my truck then drive on the roads to get back for my truck , my bike is terrible on the roads (slow high revs) so might just have to wait until my KTM arrives then meet up for a N.O.B ride ..
paulmaehia said:
MastaMax said:
Here is a very flowing trail, nothing tricky. Only technical bit is the turtle trail, but it's just a few hundreds of meters.

What about meeting Friday at the 700 years stadium 9:30am?

From there we'll see if we can get into the moo baan to the huay tung tao trail, last time I went they had a barrier (but it was still new and wrapped up in plastic).Otherwise we'll ride to huay tung tao on the road.

this trail looks like it finishes close to where i live so it will be a bit awkward for me because I will have to go to the 700 stadium in my truck then drive on the roads to get back for my truck , my bike is terrible on the roads (slow high revs) so might just have to wait until my KTM arrives then meet up for a N.O.B ride ..

Take your bike home and get a Tuk Tuk/Taxi to your pickup
Could probably hang on the back for the km or so that I think it is ??
I should be riding home back past the stadium. Can have a lift if you want.
crs said:
I should be riding home back past the stadium. Can have a lift if you want.

ill be there in morning , ill get the other half to drop me off in car later..
not sure how I can get the yzf to/from mae rim, but I'll keep you posted, maybe join you in mae rim if I'm not at 700yrs.
Not my best day out... If you can call it lucky, it was my first day trying out some new thor leg / knee guards.. Thank feck for all the armor I have been feeling a bit over blown in, cos I took a fairly high speed off, didnt have a chance to bleed speed off before impact like you some times do, and had a very abrupt stop. Thanks to the 661 pressure suit and the thor leg bits I didnt get hurt as much as i could have.

Just one of those fast ones, we had been fishtailing around as the trail was a bit greasy, all good fun so far, then the rear stepped out with a rut, I really thought I still had it, but the rut that was pushing it wide wasnt just straight, and just kept pushing it further, more and more lock wasnt saving me and it just flipped me sideways full speed into a bank on the left. Very solid that old mother earth thing.

My right hand and arm got tweaked, the arm went under the bar and on impact the hand and fingers were rotated back, that joints not supposed to go 180 apparently.. Some ibuprofen (note to self, put some in the kit) and help from all (alex especially in riding the YZ clutchless and letting me use the KLX as best I could) got me out and as the day wore on was even able to get the bike from Rossis and not leave things everywhere, which is always nicer than waking up the next day thinking 'oh god I messed up yesterday' with things to solve. I might have a cracked rib too, it sorta hurts at the sternum, I have cracked ribs before but always at the side and its usually a lot more painful than this, but I sneezed last night and that made the old eyes water. must have impacted the bike, bars or something.

Will be out today to try to find a lever or lever and perch, noticed later have bent the spanny chamber back to the frame but reckon thats not going to effect it, also think I need to play with the jetting a touch too.. If the hand recovers as I hope should be out next week.

Thanks to all for the assistance.
Oh yeah also wanted to say, Paul on the trials bike looked was riding well, will be interesting to see him on the enduro hes ordered, also had me looking at him flicking that little 60 kg thing around and thinking how a freestyle 350 would work so well on the tight technical stuff and still handle the trails.

Will be fun if we could get a little group for trial tinkering later on.
The boys last night were telling me your wrist was pretty bad, have you had it checked out?

Not my best day out... If you can call it lucky, it was my first day trying out some new thor leg / knee guards.. Thank feck for all the armor I have been feeling a bit over blown in, cos I took a fairly high speed off, didnt have a chance to bleed speed off before impact like you some times do, and had a very abrupt stop. Thanks to the 661 pressure suit and the thor leg bits I didnt get hurt as much as i could have.

Just one of those fast ones, we had been fishtailing around as the trail was a bit greasy, all good fun so far, then the rear stepped out with a rut, I really thought I still had it, but the rut that was pushing it wide wasnt just straight, and just kept pushing it further, more and more lock wasnt saving me and it just flipped me sideways full speed into a bank on the left. Very solid that old mother earth thing.

My right hand and arm got tweaked, the arm went under the bar and on impact the hand and fingers were rotated back, that joints not supposed to go 180 apparently.. Some ibuprofen (note to self, put some in the kit) and help from all (alex especially in riding the YZ clutchless and letting me use the KLX as best I could) got me out and as the day wore on was even able to get the bike from Rossis and not leave things everywhere, which is always nicer than waking up the next day thinking 'oh god I messed up yesterday' with things to solve. I might have a cracked rib too, it sorta hurts at the sternum, I have cracked ribs before but always at the side and its usually a lot more painful than this, but I sneezed last night and that made the old eyes water. must have impacted the bike, bars or something.

Will be out today to try to find a lever or lever and perch, noticed later have bent the spanny chamber back to the frame but reckon thats not going to effect it, also think I need to play with the jetting a touch too.. If the hand recovers as I hope should be out next week.

Thanks to all for the assistance.
No I havent been for X rays... But it isnt broken.. 100%.. Have broken enough to know when it is.

It just torqued all the ligaments and connecting tissue, thats why initially it was burning and I did think from the first pain it was bust, but its settled down. The index fingers still not right but like I said, the impact wasnt a drop and slide or slip and bleed speed first.. It was slip and whallop, stop. It could have been a lot worse given the way it happened.

I'll be good, just hopeful I can find a lever setup in town and not be waiting on bits.
Glad to hear it's not serious (wait till we all get our trials bikes out).

No I havent been for X rays... But it isnt broken.. 100%.. Have broken enough to know when it is.

It just torqued all the ligaments and connecting tissue, thats why initially it was burning and I did think from the first pain it was bust, but its settled down. The index fingers still not right but like I said, the impact wasnt a drop and slide or slip and bleed speed first.. It was slip and whallop, stop. It could have been a lot worse given the way it happened.

I'll be good, just hopeful I can find a lever setup in town and not be waiting on bits.
Video and Photo's required please.
I dont think the {video}number{/video} tags are properly installed or configured..

I tried a few combos that usually work and they keep failing.
Hi let me look amd see why the video icon is not in the menu

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