Certainly is LOS, has a branch on the 3rd floor of Airport Plaza but it's just not the same without the brown soup river rushing byThis is that place out on the Chiang Rai Rd yeah ??
Bring some home!
having lost 13 KG or 2 Stone in just over three months
Wow! Keep it up Colin!
Looking forward to your coffee posts with green (sh___) salads and ice water photos! :kat
Ha ha.. Didnt know we had a womens institute forum here on ride Asia :LOL
Now.. who makes the best scones and jam..
Its not like I am not bookmarking the GPS co-ords
So this place is hidden down a tiny track in the deepest darkest jungle for you to need GPS co-ords? Do bikers ride with eyes glued to 4 inch screens these days? :LOL
Hahaha..... quite agree! I'm stuck in Cairo and feel guilty drinking copious amounts of water and pigging out on food all day in front of my colleagues....... not! hil (Just joshin' with ya mate!!)I really shouldnt be viewing this while I'm fasting....argggghhhhh!!!!
So this place is hidden down a tiny track in the deepest darkest jungle for you to need GPS co-ords? Do bikers ride with eyes glued to 4 inch screens these days? :LOL
I just looked on a map and "Delizia Garden" wasnt listed
I'll get the co-ords from Ally