Honda Big Wing Pattaya and NC700DCT


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2011
Honda's Big Wing shop in Pattaya has been open a couple of weeks now. I was down there today to scoop out the NC700DCT. Behold, they got one you can test drive! A CB500 too. You need to bring a driver's license and your passport, not 'or'. The shop is at E100.8971601 N12.9208193, right after soi 46/2 on Sukhumvit almost straight across from Kawasaki's shop.


I had a go on the NC700DCT. Wonderful midsize tourer with a ridiculous 463.000 bath sticker. For that money you get DCT and ABS. Supposedly you can buy it without DCT but I think with this kind of engine it should be automatic. This bike is not sporty in any way, it actual runs a bit like a tractor, torque and engine speed seems inversely proportional. The automatic transmission has manual and sporty modes. I tried both but went back to normal after a few seconds. The engine simply does not not seem happy over 4.000. The bike is best in normal auto mode where it shifts up as soon as possible. The engine is so shamelessly not sporty so it is charming. At 100 km/h the tachometer showed about 3.000 rpm. It makes some sounds when it changes gears but allover the bike is very quiet. The gas tank is under the seat and the fake gas tank is a storage that is big enough for a full size helmet. The twin engine has a 270 degree crankshaft and it has a little vibrations, but nothing disturbing, and a little uneven firing order. The bike is kind of heavy, 229 kilo curb weight according to Honda but it does not feel that heavy. The small wind screen does a good job. If you want a super relaxed comfortable ride without a buzzing engine and you got excess money, this may be a bike for you. If you wonder how many horse powers it got, it is not what you want.
I rode the 700 X in the UK last year and was well impressed with it. I was offered the automatic one but I chose the ordinary manual model with a clutch
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