Dog deterrent dog whistles


Senior member
Jan 11, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2007 KTM 990 Adventure Suzuki DRZ 400
Dog deterrent dog whistles

LED Kev, a lover of gadgets showed up last night with a new dog deterrent dog whistle & installed it on his Kawasaki Er-6. It works pneumatically and needs wind pressure of at least 60 km/hr to operate, might save a few dogs and crashes.

dog whistle.jpg
Never seen these marketed as "dog deterrents" but they are sold as "deer whistles" in the states and scientists and highway patrol pretty much agree that their effectiveness is comparable to tossing a $10 bill out your window.
I have a couple of electronic dog & cat scarers........uummm, no, not really. All the dogs and cats around here are deaf! One even has a couple of flashing LEDS on the front meant to scare the animal. The cats think its a disco. Where they do work is if you suddenly point something at the animal, but then your finger will be just as effective for a brief moment. I wish you luck with that version but I have my doubts!
Hi phil

I would have loved to tel you how they worked. but unfortunately it fell off before i got to test it properly.

A few dogs got out of my way but wasn't sure if it was the the whistle or my bright LEDs !

Lucily for me i didn't loose $10, only $5 - they we very cheap and probaly only work on small dogs..

I will sort out another one and make sure it is stuck on better next time.
Well they do say that an effective way to get an animal to move out of the way when it is stuck in the middle of the road is to honk at it with your horn--assuming you have time to do that.
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